
Contributing Documentation

The wiki is hosted at The source for documentation is in the documentation directory. There’s info about the wiki structure and local documentation generation in documentation/ in the repo.

Contributing Code

Checklist for PRs

  • Open PRs against main for Godot 4 issues, or the godot_3x branc for Godot 3 issues.

  • PRs must have unit tests. See sections below.

  • Include any wiki text in the PR.

    • Info about documentation changes can be found in documentation/


    • I will take care of making any changes to

    • I will credit you in the If you have a handle you would like me to use (other than your GitHub username) then let me know in the PR

Creating Tests for GUT

All GUT tests are found in

  • res://test/unit

  • res://test/integration

Edit existing scripts or add new ones there.

Any resources needed by tests should be placed in:

  • res://test/resources

If you don’t see an existing directory that matches your needs then you can create a new directory or place them directly in res://test/resources.

Running GUT Tests

Due to the nature of using the tool to test the tool, there are some tests that are expected to fail. The message for failing tests will indicate that they are expected to fail.

I’ve found that using VSCode and the VSCode plugin “gut-extension” is the easiest way to run tests as you develop your feature. Mostly because you can have more than one file on the screen at a time. If you do not care for VSCode then I’d suggest using the command line to avoid having to switch scenes. A .gutconfig.json is already included in the project so you should be able to run tests with no config changes.

The GUT Panel doesn’t do anything.

Sometimes when you edit GUT files, the plugin doesn’t like it. Reload the plugin.

If you see this in the IDE Output

res://addons/gut/gui/ - Invalid get index '<whatever>' (on base: 'Nil').

Then reload the plugin.