Command Line

Also supplied in this repo is the script that can be run from the command line. This is also used by the VSCode Plugin gut-extension.

Note: All the examples here come from my Mac/Bash.

In the examples below I will be using godot as a command. This is an alias I have created as:

alias godot='/Applications/'

From the command line, at the root of your project, use the following command to run the script. Use the options below to run tests.

godot -d -s --path "$PWD" addons/gut/

The -d option tells Godot to run in debug mode which is helpful. The -s option tells Godot to run a script. --path "$PWD" tells Godot to treat the current directory as the root of a project.

When running from command line, 0 will be returned if all tests pass and 1 will be returned if any fail (pending doesn’t affect the return value).


Output from the command line help (-gh)

---  Gut  ---
This is the command line interface for the unit testing tool Gut.  With this
interface you can run one or more test scripts from the command line.  In order
for the Gut options to not clash with any other godot options, each option
starts with a "g".  Also, any option that requires a value will take the form
of "-g<name>=<value>".  There cannot be any spaces between the option, the "=",
or inside a specified value or godot will think you are trying to run a scene.

  -gtest                    Comma delimited list of full paths to test scripts to run.
  -gdir                     Comma delimited list of directories to add tests from.
  -gprefix                  Prefix used to find tests when specifying -gdir.  Default "test_".
  -gsuffix                  Suffix used to find tests when specifying -gdir.  Default ".gd".
  -ghide_orphans            Display orphan counts for tests and scripts.  Default "False".
  -gmaximize                Maximizes test runner window to fit the viewport.
  -gexit                    Exit after running tests.  If not specified you have to manually close the window.
  -gexit_on_success         Only exit if all tests pass.
  -glog                     Log level.  Default 1
  -gignore_pause            Ignores any calls to gut.pause_before_teardown.
  -gselect                  Select a script to run initially.  The first script that was loaded using -gtest or -gdir that contains the specified string will be executed.  You may run others by interacting with the GUI.
  -gunit_test_name          Name of a test to run.  Any test that contains the specified text will be run, all others will be skipped.
  -gh                       Print this help, then quit
  -gconfig                  A config file that contains configuration information.  Default is res://.gutconfig.json
  -ginner_class             Only run inner classes that contain this string
  -gopacity                 Set opacity of test runner window. Use range 0 - 100. 0 = transparent, 100 = opaque.
  -gpo                      Print option values from all sources and the value used, then quit.
  -ginclude_subdirs         Include subdirectories of -gdir.
  -gdouble_strategy         Default strategy to use when doubling.  Valid values are [partial, full].  Default "partial"
  -gdisable_colors          Disable command line colors.
  -gpre_run_script          pre-run hook script path
  -gpost_run_script         post-run hook script path
  -gprint_gutconfig_sample  Print out json that can be used to make a gutconfig file then quit.
  -gfont_name               Valid values are:  [AnonymousPro, CourierPro, LobsterTwo, Default].  Default "CourierPrime"
  -gfont_size               Font size, default "16"
  -gbackground_color        Background color as an html color, default "ff262626"
  -gfont_color              Font color as an html color, default "ffcccccc"
  -gjunit_xml_file          Export results of run to this file in the Junit XML format.
  -gjunit_xml_timestamp     Include a timestamp in the -gjunit_xml_file, default False


Run godot in debug mode (-d), run a test script (-gtest), set log level to lowest (-glog), exit when done (-gexit)

godot -s addons/gut/ -d --path "$PWD" -gtest=res://test/unit/ -glog=1 -gexit

Load all test scripts that begin with ‘me_’ and end in ‘.res’ and run me_only_only_me.res (given that the directory contains the following scripts: me_and_only_me.res, me_only.res, me_one.res, me_two.res). I don’t specify the -gexit on this one since I might want to run all the scripts using the GUI after I run this one script.

godot -s addons/gut/ -d --path "$PWD" -gdir=res://test/unit -gprefix=me_ -gsuffix=.res -gselect=only_me

Config file

To cut down on the amount of arguments you have to pass to gut and to make it easier to change them, you can optionally use a json file to specify some of the values. By default gut_cmdln looks for a config file at res://.gutconfig.json. You can specify a different file using the -gconfig option.

Here is a sample file. You can print out the text for a gutconfig file using the -gprint_gutconfig_sample option.



Common Errors

I really only know of one so far, but if you get a space in your command somewhere, you might see something like this:

ERROR:  No loader found for resource: res://samples3
At:  core\io\resource_loader.cpp:209
ERROR:  Failed loading scene: res://samples3
At:  main\main.cpp:1260

I got this one when I accidentally put a space instead of an “=” after -gselect.