Doubling Strategy

By default Godot 4 does not allow you to override native methods defined in Godot Objects (you can change this in the project settings: Debug->GDScript->Native Method Override). For example, overriding set_position on a Node2D will cause an error. This is because the engine may or may not use overrides in some cases for performance reasons. It has something to do with pointers and functions and efficiency and stuff. I don’t fully understand it, but it’s true (Here’s a Github Issue with some info). The important thing for us, is that this means you cannot spy-on or stub these functions…or can you?

In most cases Doubles are not used in a manner that would cause the engine to directly interact with them. You may want to verify that some object you created calls set_position on a double. This is where changing the Double Strategy can help. When using DOUBLE_STRATEGY.INCLUDE_NATIVE GUT will override all native functions which means you can spy-on and stub them for your tests. It will also disable the error and then restore the original setting after the Double or Partial Double is created so that GUT does not blow up. Only direct calls that you make in your objects are guaranteed use the overrides. A tween probably won’t call your set_position override.

The default Double Strategy is SCRIPT_ONLY, meaning no overrides will be included. You can change the strategy globally, at the script level, or for an individual Double or Partial Double.

Set the Default Strategy

You can change the default through the GutPanel in the editor, the .gutconfig.json file for the command line, or as a command line option. Note that the editor and the command line configuration are separate, so you must set it in both places if you are using both.


Valid values are SCRIPT_ONLY(default) or INCLUDE_NATIVE


Command Line

Use the -gdouble_strategy option with the values INCLUDE_NATIVE or SCRIPT_ONLY


Overriding the Default

Script Level

From within a GutTest script you can call set_double_strategy to change the strategy for that script/inner-class ONLY. This value will be reset to the default after the script has finished. You should call this in before_all.


Individual Double/Partial Double

When calling double or partial_double you can pass an optional parameter to set the double strategy for just that double.